We are pleased to share the news that Dewi Snelson has stepped into the chairmanship of Mentrau Iaith Cymru since November this year (2021). He has been vice-chair for the last three years while Lowri Jones chaired. We particularly wish to thank Lowri for her diligent work during what has been an extremely challenging time.

Dewi has been Chief Officer for Menter Gorllewin Sir Gâr (West Carmarthenshire) since 2014. He is a native of Denbighshire, and has worked for Menter Iaith Môn before moving to Carmarthen where he lives with his wife and three children.

Meirion Davies, Chief Officer of Menter Iaith Conwy, is the new vice chair of the Mentrau Iaith network.

Contact Dewi: dewi@mgsg.cymru / 01239 712934   

Contact Mentrau Iaith Cymru: post@mentrauiaith.cymru / 01492 643401