Promoting the use of Welsh

Every Menter and MIC share one common goal and that is to promote and support the use of Welsh as a community Language.

YsgolBerllanDeg_29Mai 2015_km016Our Charter, co-developed and adopted by the Mentrau Iaith in 2013, underlines the core principles and values that every Menter Iaith shares, and each and everyone of them are committed to act in the interests of the Welsh language in their communities through:

  • Regenerating the Welsh language by regenerating our communities
  • Raising Welsh speakers’ and learners’ confidence to use the language as part of their everyday lives
  • Working in partnership to integrate the Welsh language into every aspect of life
  • Creating and supporting Welsh-medium work opportunities
  • Sharing and promoting the value of the Welsh language with families, children and young people
  • Supporting Mentrau Iaith Cymru and each other’s work